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Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice


What is Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice?

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice is a root booster that contains a powerful concentration of beneficial bacterial microbes that maximise root density and root mass.

What is the use of Advanced Nutrients Carboload Liquid?

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice contains six super-strains of beneficial microbe, Bacillus Subtilis, Pasteuri, Megaterium, Amyloliquefaciens, Pumilis and Licheniformis, each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000-liter breeding reactor. These microbes form colonies around the roots feeding them oxygen significantly increasing root branching and root mass.

How does Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice work?

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice’s Beneficial bacterial microbes will work in the plant's root zone to create greater nutrient uptake and guard against root disease, they also break down dead root material which is turned into useable energy for plants.

Why would I need Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice?

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice is one of the pH perfect range of products meaning growing just became easier, when used with the rest of the pH perfect range there is no need to check or adjust pH levels as they are automatically adjusted and maintained at the perfect levels.

Description and components:

  • 100% organic.
  • Adjust the pH of the nutrient solution to its optimum level.

How to install Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice?

  • Shake the bottle well before use.
  • 2ml/Litre in weeks 1, 2 of Growth and weeks 1, 2 of Bloom.


Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice
Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice is a root booster that contains a powerful concentration of beneficial bacterial microbes that maximise root density and root mass. Beneficial bacterial microbes will work in the plants rootzone to create greater nutrient uptake and guard against root disease, they also break down dead root material which is turned into useable energy for plants.

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice contains six super-strains of beneficial microbe, Bacillus Subtilis, Pasteuri, Megaterium, Amyloliquefaciens, Pumilis and Licheniformis, each microbe strain is individually bred (not in a bunch of vats or tubs) in a purpose-built 10,000-liter breeding reactor. These microbes form colonies around the roots feeding them oxygen significantly increasing root branching and root-mass.

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice is compatible with Advanced Nutrients pH technology meaning growing just became easier when used with the rest of the pH perfect range there is no need to check or adjust pH levels as they are automatically adjusted and maintained at the ideal levels.

Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice Feed rate - 2ml/Litre in weeks 1, 2 of Growth and weeks 1, 2 of Bloom
Shake bottle well before each use.
When preparing your nutrient solution be careful not mix them together in their concentrated form. Add each part of your nutrient schedule to your tank separately, mixing thoroughly before adding the next component to the mix.